
Friday, March 29, 2019

Vote here! #Waxmelts #Blendedwithlove

 Love showing support to my small business vendors out there! There are well over 200 amazing ones that I know of or supported in some way! Now is your chance to show a little kindness and support of your own!

Please help me by voting [you can vote every 24 hours if you’d like] for this delightful company very deserving of this grant from Fed Ex!

And of course if you’d like to check out her shop and see for yourself I’m sure you will not be disappointed!
Here are some links below!

Main website: Blended with Love
Owner: Ashley Conner
Facebook: Blended With Love Facebook page- Come join in the fun!
Instagram: Check her out on IG! ๐Ÿ’—

I have to add.... there are many creative Wax melt vendors but if you look you’ll see a ton of beauty and creativity in her work!

I may just go place a order now! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ’•

Don’t forget to VOTE!!!!

Happy living everyone! 

Friday, November 24, 2017

would you like to see some of my recipes?

I have been thinking about creating some of my favorite meals and making a section for recipes and how to's. What do you guys think? Lemme know. :)

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Luna Wax Melts

I came across a new company called Luna Wax company who specializes in making wax melts. I found them through Instagram where I saw this adorable Pig! Instantly I fell in love with him. I knew I had to check this company out because I had never seen that pig before! So the owner Amy Dawson and I talked about reviews and I was sent a few different scents to burn and give her some input on her wax, the throw and the presentation.  

Friday, October 27, 2017

 Tons Of way to Enter!!

Enter for your chance to win (1) Disney Princess Box from Pley

***2 Winners!***

Little girls love Disney Princesses. With Pley's Official Disney Princess Subscription boxes you can provide screen free entertainment to your child every month.  You can sign up for 1, 3 or 6 month packages or just buy 1 of the previous month boxes. Learn more about these amazing Disney boxes here.  Scroll down to enter to win a box now!  

Sponsored by: Pley

Hosted by: MamatheFox

Co-Hosted by: The Importance of Being Rees, Lynchburg Mama, Sonya's Happenings and The Artisan Lifestyle

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligation.

MUSCLE MX [Pain Reliver Balm]

As I was scrolling through Instagram one day, I came across a giveaway that a company was hosting Muscle MX . It was for two Full Size CBD balms. I have been on the lookout for a real CBD infused product. I suffer with pain often. As a person who suffers with mental illness, depression being part of it. some days my body just wont let me move! on top of that, I suffer with migraines. My skin gets sensitive to the touch, and I have consistent pain from my should surgery a few years back. When I got this I thought, Ill give it a shot! I was completely blown away that this "really does work!" By my own experience I haven't had much relief from other products but this is a staple for me. It works perfect for helping my migraines. I rub the balm behind my neck as well as my temples. It eases the headaches at least to the point of not feeling nauseas. Their are two balms that work together to relieve pain.

Use the Activate on your muscles, joints and tendons prior to any activity to help prevent injury.Perfectly formulated to provide short and long term pain relief and inflammation reduction while stimulating the blood flow and increasing circulation and mobility for your active lifestyle. Rub this on your elbows for tennis elbow. Rub this on your wrist for those who suffer with carpal tunnel. Helps pain in areas that were injured. 
I use this before I exercise and after stretching.
RECOVERY is designed to help prevent and treat excessive soreness, muscle fatigue, inflammation, joint pain, simple back pain and minor aches and pains.
Whether you're an athlete, weekend warrior or just dealing with the aches and pains of getting older, RECOVERY stops pain fast. This has such a cooling effect that I use this for my headaches and it seems to make them feel better! 
first pic includes a Linen spray from Little Olive tree co. A rollerball essential oil from Midnight Dahlia company. Along with the ACTIVATE balm!

Right NOW
There are too things Id like to add....

Who wants to just try these out to see if these are right for you?
You can get both MINI size balms- Just pay shipping!

For 20% off your total go here 20% 

disclaimer, something I just wanted to share and am passionate about as it helps me. I am  not paid to share this info.

Sunday, September 4, 2016


So I have been on a hiatus and .here is why. In July we suffered a house fire which destroyed our entire home leaving us with what we were wearing that day, cell phone I pad, and my purse. My youngest daughter was with me at the time. We left for a short period to grab some food through the drive-thru to return to what turned our world upside down that day. In as little as 20 minutes, the house engulfed in flames and within 7 minutes the fire trucks from my town as well as the surrounding towns in the district were covering my street. No mail or traffic was to get through. I heard the sound of all the windows breaking, saw my furniture of what was left of it being removed. sadly everything we worked for and cherished in a lifetime was gone in just what it seemed, a blinking of an eye. As the feeling of overall my world ending, I cried, shook, stood in shock across the street as I stood looking at this devastation unfolding. I could not see straight, I could not feel. I could not believe what was happening. This just wasn't happening. As the evening grew near I looked to the sky and said Thank you Jesus for sparing our lives. Two seconds from turning the key in the door, the fire fighter said to be thankful I didn't open the door because the combustion could of blown us away or possibly hurt us very badly. The shock started settling in. My youngest daughter, cool calm and collective was my shining light that day. She was calmer then me and I just cant believe it. I'm so thankful for our life that day. From every moment since then i have been more than i have ever been thankful in my life. I was blessed to had not been forced into being homeless as my parents allowed us to stay with them during the time it took to reconstruct the home. As cost doesn't even matter at this point, that fire of twenty minutes caused over $150,000 in damage. To say the least, a house fire is nothing to laugh about play around with or wish on anyone even your worst enemy. Its a crippling feeling that I wouldn't want anyone to have to feel. Within moments after the Fire departments arrived, so did the Red Cross. Let me just say this, The red cross is a God send. They were so loving, helpful and stayed with us until we were able to leave. Even had a counselor come out to speak with my daughter. Within hours, one of my small business friends, Jess Dickey owner of the Scented Squirrel, created a Gofundme which raised over a grand to help us with those days. Each person who donated that day was nothing more then a angel being sent, a little ray of light through such a huge dark cloud. It helped us eventually to buy a bed along with some things we needed right away.
        During such a sad time,  I met some of the nicest people who had reached out to me, people I didn't even know just talked to online or ask what we needed now or what they could do.. Small businesses who sent packages of such beautiful kindhearted things.  Not because I asked, or because they had to but because they wanted to. The huge hearts of these people have forever made me see there was still good in this world. Some sent boxes of wax to help start a new wax collection. Wax melts and Bath and body stuff is my weakness. I'm thankful for each of the people who came into my life who left such positive imprints in my heart. Just a few pictures of that day that I just wanted to share. ....



Vendor: CindysWaxTarts
Etsy: CindysWaxTarts
IG: CindysWaxTarts
I NEED PLAYTIME [Bubblegum and Cotton Candy] 
Childhood Dreams
[all the yummie goodies you can remember from childhood all in one] 
Lemon Citrus Shot with a real lemon slice. [Lemon. Lemon. Lemon YUM] I mixed with bit of her TAKE ME AWAY brittle.

I will Update whenever I can with more pictures. You can also visit my IG @the_artisan_lifestyle
These are my Own pictures Unless I state otherwise.

More Vendors to come....
[Disclaimer]I was sent many of these wax shots from vendors in exchange for my honest thoughts and to help them out. I did make purchases as well.